You support Gay Marriage? NO CHURCH FOR YOU!

hahaha.  Religious leaders are banning politicians who supported the marriage equality bill from "Catholic church and parochial school events."  Shows their grasp-at-straws campaign.  They come through like little kids who throw a tantrum in the store when they are told NO!  This is why religious institutions SHOULD be taxed, and SHOULD not be held to any other standard than delirious fools. They need to keep banning people who hold different opinions from their institution, then maybe the masses can start realizing the business that is belief.

Atheism is the light, the way and the truth.

Religious leaders slammed the state's new gay marriage law on Saturday, vowing to ban politicians who supported the measure from any Catholic church and parochial school events.

The city's top Catholic clergy released strongly worded statements in the hours after the state Senate voted 33-29 to legalize gay unions.

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, of the diocese of Brooklyn, called on all Catholic schools to reject any honor bestowed upon them by Gov. Cuomo, who played a pivotal role in getting the bill passed.

He further asked all pastors and principals to "not invite any state legislator to speak or be present at any parish or school celebration."

"This is a further erosion of the real understanding of marriage," DiMarzio told the Daily News. "The state should not be concerned about regulating affection."

"I believe the passage of same-sex marriage is another 'nail in the coffin' of marriage," DeMarzio wrote in an essay posted at

"It is destructive because we fail to view marriage in the context of a vocation: a calling to participate in the great enterprise of forming the next generation. Marriage is reduced to an empty honor," he wrote. "That there was virtually no public debate on the issue and that the entire matter was concluded in just over 30 minutes late on a Friday evening is disgraceful."

New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan said he was "very disappointed, very saddened and very worried" by the developments that will allow same-sex partners to legally wed.

"I think for anybody, especially state government, to tamper with something as sacred and timeless and as much a part of the human condition as marriage is careless," Dolan said.

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